Clean up your Skincare

"I finally understood that my Endometriosis and so many other hormonal disturbancesĀ like fertility-related issues,Ā may be due to a malfunction in our endocrine systems, overly taxed from certain chemicals".
Clean up your Skincare - The Sabi

By Carolina Betancourt

In 2002, the World Health Organisationā€™s European office released a report linking Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, also known as EDCs, to severe health problems like cancer, obesity, type II diabetes, and disturbances in our immune, metabolic, and nervous systems. The list is far from ending there; a whole set of reproductive illnesses like endometriosis, PCOS, alterations in sperm quality and quantity, and abnormalities in sex organs have also been linked to EDCs. A pretty terrifying and important discovery. Over two decades later, and many of these still linger in our household andĀ personal care products.Ā 

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with Endometriosis. Nobody seemed to know what the real root of my diagnosis was. I went through different treatments and medical interventions and the final solution the doctors gave me was to go on the pill. Hormonal birth control gave me terrible migraines and completely blocked my libido. After a couple of years, I decided to forgo that treatment and switched to more natural alternatives and felt relief within a few months, but it imprinted upon me the power of exploring the bodyā€™s own healing systems, getting to know my natural cycle and reducing the amount of chemicals I was consuming, often unknowingly.Ā  It was not until I started reading about it and researching, thank you This is Your Brain on Birth Control by Sarah E. Hill PhD., that I finally understood that my Endometriosis and so many other issues like breast cancer or infertility-related issues can beĀ due to a malfunction in our endocrine systems, which may be overly taxed from certain chemicals lurking all around us.Ā 

How does it work? Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals either mimic the shape of our hormones or block our own hormones from binding to our cells. This ends up fooling our endocrine system and can wreak havoc. The toxicity not only affects us directly but may also transfer from mother to child through the placenta or breast milk.Ā 

Where are these EDCs? They are in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and whatever we absorb through our skin.
EDCs are a big favourite in the cosmetic industry and are used to make cheaper products with longer shelf lives. Chances are that the age-defying night cream on your nightstand or that sunscreen you religiously put on every morning to prevent skin cancer contains oneā€”or a fewā€”EDCs. No need to ditch your routines, but consider doing so without anointing yourself with toxic chemicals that are poorly regulated in the beauty industry.Ā 

Why go green, clean and naturalĀ 
Youā€™ve probably heard that our skin is the largest and most permeable organ in our bodies.Ā  What this means is that whatever we put on it gets absorbed and transferred into our bloodstream where it enters the complex interactions between organs, systems, and hormones. The longer weā€™re exposed to EDCs, the higher the chance they will be disruptive to our systems.Ā If weā€™re already exposed to a bevy of toxic chemicals, why put them on our precious skin?Ā 

What can you do about it? Information is key and by reading this ā€˜introduction into the EDC worldā€™ youā€™re already on a good track. Weā€™ve added a couple of articles below for you to explore further, including this one where we talk about female hormonal disruptions.

The next step is to clean up your skincare routine. Find out what your beauty and wellness products are made of, and read those labels.
Most productsā€”even luxury onesā€” from foundation, to sunscreen, perfume, and body care have been found to contain dozens of EDCs. Choose those that are free from Phthalates, BPAs, and Parabens. In Europe, skincare brands cannot make these claims on their labels (we tried!) so look for those products that are 100% naturalā€”or as close to natural as possible. Choose cosmetics that have been scented with essential oils or that have been certified as organic.Ā 

The cleanerā€”and greenerā€” the products you use, the cleaner your body will be. If mother nature has made available all her beauty and bounty to us, why not make good and conscious use of it? Go as natural as you possibly can.Ā 



Created as a brand to help women navigate the toughest moments in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartumā€”and practically every stage of life, the Sabi Collective also hosts a space for you to feel understood and safe. Much more than a wellness brand, this is where you will find a carefully crafted line of products to carry you through your new journey; a set of rituals, supportive tools, and ancient herbal remedies that have been tested time and again by women and are now backed by medicine. The Sabi is a blend of science and nature conceived by women who have experienced the joys and deep implications of bringing a child into the world or the pains of a difficult period, a miscarriage, and difficulty conceiving.Ā 

We have developed an entire line of holistic skincare that is natural and completely free of harmful components and a line of powerful herbal remedies to provide healing and support.Ā 

Here is an invitation to get to know your body and it's cycles better and to really understand what is going on inside. Learn to use your hormonal cycle to your advantage no matter your stage of life, and know that you can always support and balance your hormone levels. Look for the right sources of information, know that there is help, and know that youā€™re supported.


Carolina Betancourt is a writer and a storyteller currently based in Colombia's Caribbean Coast where she works on projects ranging from advertisement to culture, wellness, and the arts. She holds an MA in Visual Anthropology from Freie UniversitƤt in Berlin and a BA in Political Science from Concordia University in Montreal.Ā 


Endocrine SocietyĀ 
Endocrine Disrupting ChemicalsĀ 

*Endocrine SocietyĀ 
Ā Indecent Exposures: EDCs and Womenā€™s Health

Identification of Risks from Exposure to Endocrine-Disrupting ChemicalsĀ 

Ā National Centre for Biotechnology Information
Endocrine disrupting chemicals: exposure, effects on human health, mechanism of action, models for testing and strategies for prevention

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MAM @ Mon, Sep 19, 22

I Hope you will edify your patrons further on the importance and functionality of the endocrine system. Get in touch on that note.

Mam @ Mon, Sep 19, 22

Congratulations very proud of your work . How i wish I could have had such products and a safe forum hoing through 30s 40s 50s .


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