The All-Natural Advantage: Beyond Clean in Beauty and Skincare

In today's market, the terms "clean" and "all-natural" have become rallying cries for a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. However, while both labels aim to promote safety and environmental consciousness, "all-natural" products offer unique benefits that go beyond the scope of "clean" beauty.
The All-Natural Advantage: Beyond Clean in Beauty and Skincare

By Hilary MetcalfeĀ 

In today's market, where consumers are more informed and environmentally conscious than ever, the terms "clean" and "all-natural" have become rallying cries for a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. However, while both labels aim to promote safety and environmental consciousness, "all-natural" products offer unique benefits that go beyond the scope of "clean" beauty. This guide delves into why choosing all-natural over clean can be a superior choice for your beauty and skincare routine.Ā 

Clean skincare focuses on using non-toxic, safe ingredients and may include both natural and synthetic components, prioritising transparency and environmental sustainability. In contrast, all-natural skincare exclusively uses minimally processed, naturally derived ingredients without any synthetic additives, often incorporating organic components.

While clean beauty is a step in the right direction, all-natural beauty and skincare offer unparalleled benefits that extend beyond the avoidance of harmful chemicals. The purity of ingredients, environmental sustainability, holistic health benefits, avoidance of endocrine disruptors, and support for ethical practices make all-natural products a superior choice for your beauty and skincare routine. By embracing the all-natural advantage, you can enjoy a healthier, more sustainable, and ethically conscious lifestyle.

Understanding the Terminology

Clean: In the context of beauty and skincare, "clean" typically denotes products formulated without harmful ingredients such as parabens, sulphates, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances. However, "clean" is a flexible term, with each brand defining it differently. This indicates that the product is crafted without certain harmful chemicals but may still include safe, thoroughly tested synthetic ingredients.

All-Natural: "All-natural" products are made entirely from ingredients sourced directly from nature without any synthetic additives. This label signifies minimal processing and a reliance on botanicals, minerals, and naturally derived substances, ensuring purity and harnessing the full power of nature's bounty.

Clean Beauty: A New Era

Clean beauty gained popularity as consumers became more aware of the potential hazards posed by certain synthetic ingredients commonly found in conventional beauty products. The movement is driven by growing concerns over hormone disruptors, carcinogens, and allergens present in everyday cosmetics and skincare items.

Brands like Beautycounter and Drunk Elephant spearheaded the clean beauty movement by formulating products that excluded known harmful substances. They created "no-no" lists of ingredients to avoid and emphasised transparency and safety. The clean beauty movement provided a much-needed alternative to traditional products laden with potentially harmful chemicals.

The Limitations of Clean Beauty

While clean beauty has undoubtedly raised the bar for ingredient safety and transparency, it is not without its limitations. Hereā€™s why we should be cautious about relying solely on the "clean" label:

  1. Lack of Regulation: The term "clean" is not regulated by any governing body. This means that what one brand considers clean may not align with anotherā€™s definition. The absence of standardised criteria makes it difficult for consumers to make truly informed choices.
  2. Inclusion of Synthetics: Although clean beauty avoids harmful chemicals, it can still include synthetic ingredients that, while deemed safe, may not align with the values of those seeking a more natural approach. For example, synthetic preservatives and fragrances, even when non-toxic, might still cause sensitivities in some individuals.
  3. Marketing Hype: The clean beauty movement has become a marketing buzzword, and not all products labelled as clean are as safe or natural as they claim to be. Some brands may exploit the term to appeal to health-conscious consumers without fully committing to the principles of safety and transparency.

The Science and Benefits of All-Natural Skincare

All-natural skincare emphasises the therapeutic benefits of botanicals, essential oils, and minerals. Unlike clean beauty, which may incorporate synthetic ingredients, all-natural products rely solely on nature's potent compounds.

Superior Efficacy with Natural Ingredients

Natural ingredients like green tea extract, aloe vera, and chamomile are celebrated for their powerful effects. Green tea extract is rich in antioxidants, protecting the skin from environmental damage and premature ageing. Aloe vera offers profound hydration and healing properties, while chamomile is known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing benefits.

Scientific studies support the efficacy of these natural ingredients:

  • Green Tea Extract: Contains polyphenols that reduce inflammation and fight free radicals, protecting the skin from oxidative stress.
  • Aloe Vera: Its polysaccharides and growth hormones promote wound healing and skin regeneration.
  • Chamomile: Contains azulene and bisabolol, compounds that reduce redness and irritation.

Avoiding Potential Irritants

One of the significant advantages of all-natural skincare is the avoidance of synthetic chemicals that can cause irritation or allergic reactions. While clean beauty eliminates known harmful substances, it may still include synthetic preservatives and fragrances that can be harsh on sensitive skin.

All-natural products use gentle, naturally derived preservatives like rosemary extract and grapefruit seed extract. Essential oils not only provide natural fragrance but also offer therapeutic benefits, such as lavender oil's calming properties and tea tree oil's antimicrobial effects.

Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing

All-natural products often emphasise eco-friendly sourcing and minimal environmental impact. Ingredients like sustainably harvested shea butter and organically grown lavender support biodiversity and ethical farming practices. This commitment to sustainability extends to packaging, with many all-natural brands using biodegradable or recyclable materials. Explore SABIā€™s sustainability commitments here.

The All-Natural Skincare Routine


All-Natural Cleansers: Natural cleansers rely on ingredients like honey, known for its antibacterial properties, and oatmeal, renowned for its soothing effects. Products like the Burt's Bees Facial Cleansing Oil, which combines coconut and argan oils, gently dissolve makeup and impurities without stripping the skin.


All-Natural Moisturisers: Natural moisturisers use ingredients like shea butter and jojoba oil, rich in vitamins and fatty acids. The Weleda Skin Food, with its blend of plant extracts and oils, provides deep nourishment and hydration. Our Prebiotic Face & Body Cream is rich in antioxidants and collagen-enhancing with natural hyaluronic acid. This botanical powerhouse in a butter-soft formula rejuvenates dry, dull, and stressed skin.


All-Natural Serums: These serums harness the power of botanical extracts and essential oils. The Kypris Antioxidant Dew Serum, for example, uses a blend of sea algae, rose extract, and vitamin C ester to brighten and hydrate the skin. Our bestseller, the Active Nutrient Serum, is packed with antioxidants and adaptogens, it shields against environmental aggressors and reduces inflammation.

Making the All-Natural Choice

Choosing all-natural over clean means prioritising products that are not only free from harmful chemicals but also free from synthetic additives. This choice reflects a commitment to purity, sustainability, and harnessing the full potential of nature.

Key Considerations

  1. Research Ingredients: Familiarise yourself with natural ingredients and their benefits. Understand what each ingredient does and why itā€™s used in products. Certifications like Soil Association Organic and COSMOS Organic can provide assurance of purity and ethical standards in Europe.
  2. Read Labels: Look beyond marketing claims and read the ingredient lists to avoid synthetic additives, even if they are deemed safe.
  3. Consider Your Needs: Assess your specific requirements, such as sensitivity to synthetic fragrances or a preference for eco-friendly packaging.
  4. Embrace Purity: Trust in the potency of natural ingredients and their ability to provide effective, gentle care for your skin.

The all-natural approach goes beyond clean beauty by committing to purity and the power of nature. By choosing all-natural products, you not only prioritise your health but also support sustainable practices that benefit the planet. In a world where transparency and integrity are paramount, all-natural skincare stands as a testament to the harmonious relationship between nature and well-being.

As consumers, our choices have the power to shape the market. By demanding all-natural products, we encourage brands to maintain high standards of purity, sustainability, and efficacy. Embrace the natural path, knowing that every step towards all-natural beauty is a step towards a healthier, more sustainable future.

This is why at The SABI, we are committed to offering all-natural products that go beyond just being clean. Our dedication to purity, efficacy, and sustainability ensures that you can enjoy the full benefits of nature while supporting a healthier, more ethical lifestyle.

In a world where synthetic additives can often complicate our quest for health and beauty, the simplicity and efficacy of all-natural products offer a reassuring solution. Trust in nature's wisdom, and discover the profound benefits that all-natural beauty and skincare can bring to your life.

Hilary is the Co-Founder of the SABI, a Holistic Nutritionist, natural, whole foods Chef, product developer and advocate for women getting to know their bodies, cycles and selves better. Born in Los Angeles, California and raised in Baja California, Mexico, she now lives in Amsterdam, The Netherlands with her partner Kees, a curly-tailed rescue dog from Curacao, Flint and her rainbow baby, Paloma.Ā 


Created as a brand to help women navigate the toughest moments in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum ā€” and practically every stage of life ā€“ā€“ The SABI aims to change the narrative around our hormones from one of taboo, embarrassment, and loneliness to awareness and pride. As more than a wellness brand, The SABI offers a carefully-crafted line of products to carry you through your hormonal journey, including rituals, supportive tools, and ancient herbal remedies that have been tested time and time again by women and now come backed by medicine. The SABI is a blend of science and nature conceived by women who have experienced the joys and deep struggles of bringing a child into the world, the pains of a heavy, difficult period, miscarriage, and difficulty conceiving.
We offer you an invitation to get to know your body and its cycles better ā€“ā€“ an invitation to really understand what is going on inside. Learn to use your hormonal cycle to your advantage no matter your stage of life, and know that you can support and balance your hormone levels. Look for the right sources of information. Know that there is help, and know that youā€™re supported.
The SABI blog and articles are not meant to instruct or advise on medical or health conditions, but to inform. The information and opinions presented here do not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals for your unique situation.Ā 
A Guide to Informed Skincare: The Meaning of Clean, Natural, Organic, Vegan, and Cruelty-Free. National Library of Medicine.
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